Wednesday, December 10, 2008

HyperTerminal Alternatives

When consoling into a router you have generally use some type of program to view the internals of the router. For Cisco routers I used to use Hyperterminal. It is a free program and is included on all Windows OS pre Vista.

You can find it under the Programs || Accessories || Communications || Hyperterminal

If you would like Hyperterminal on your Vista OS you can still get HyperTerminal from Hilgraeve, the company that created it, but you will have to purchase the Personal Edition. Link Here

One thing comes to mind when thinking about Hyperterminal. That is the burning, dizzying sensation I get from looking at black on white text for over two hours.

As great as Hyperterminal is or was there are alternatives out there for the Windows and Linux systems.

Tera Term:

This product was created in 1996 by T. Teranishl for the Windows 3.1/95/NT/ it supported Telnet, SSH and serial port connections. The new version picked up where the older one left off and is still free with a ton of extended options.

You can customize Tera Term to look how you would like. I prefer the Green text on Black background ala the Matrix code.

Real Term:

For Linux I prefer Real Term. It looks a lot like a tty connection, but has a GUI at the bottom of the screen that allows for serious configuration and testing. It can be used for far more serious stuff than just a simple COM connection. I have never used it though for anything more than a tool to get into a Cisco router.

These are just two products from many that are out there that I prefer. I am sure there are better tools out there so do a web check and see what you can find and let me know.


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