Friday, November 21, 2008

Gmail, Vista and Remote Tools

The other day I posted about switching your Gmail account to a secured connection. If you have the Gmail notifier program running also, it will not work with HTTPS unless you add a registry key/value.

Here are the steps directly from Google on making both the HTTPS connection and Gmail notifier work properly:

1. Download
2. Open up the folder.
3. Double-click on the file called notifier_https.reg to install it.
4. Click 'yes' when you're asked to confirm if you want to add the
information to the registry.
5. Restart the Notifier.

There are two files in that download and they come compressed or zipped. You can run it from the zipped folder without unpacking it into another folder. The first file is the one you want to use.

Vista and Remote Log In:

You cannot remotly log into Vista Home Premium and you cannot *Upgrade* to Vista Business from VHP for the log in capabilities. It is considered a downgrade going from VHP to VB. You have to upgrade to Vista Ultimate to have the ability of remoting into the machine. I figured this out the hard way at 4 A.M. 13 hours into a very long day.

There is a hack that someone created pre Vista SP1. It worked great then MS plugged that hole and the second release of the hack didn't work so well. If you want to attempt to use that hack google Vista Home Premium Remote Hack and it will turn up.

If you would still like to remote into your VHP computer without adding hacks or spending the extra $$$$$ for Vista Ultimate try LogMeIn.

It is a free service for one computer account and offers a ton of other options if you would like to buy. It has a slick interface and the ease of use is off the charts.

You will have to go to the site and install the software onto the computer you would like to connect to. LogMeIn will add this computer to the account and then you can connect to your computer from any place that has an internet connection.

For those people out there who are not the most computer savvy LogMeIn offers support files to download if you would like more information on how to use the software.

I've also used LogMeIn's Hamachi a long, long time ago. It worked as a secure VPN tunnel that was needed while I replaced a router and allowed for production to continue while I waited for my new router to come in and get configured for the sites VPN.


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